Lot 212 Quinlow-Peranga Road, Peranga, QLD, 4352
Peranga QLD 4352
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Auction: 8th Apr 2025 (11:00 am)
"Greenslopes " 91 Years of Family Ownership, Renowned Cattle Fattening & Cropping Country!
Situation: Positioned 1 km Peranga, 7km Quinlow, 36km Oakey, 52km Highfields, 66km ToowoombaFacilities: 2 road frontage, bitumen road at front of property, 3 phase power, mail and school bus service available, mobile phone service
Area & Tenure: 64.45 hectares | 159.2 acres
Rates: $696.02 ½ yearly
Country: An extremely well-balanced property which is predominantly Brigalow /Myall country. Renowned for "its" cattle fattening and cropping. Property is rectangle in shape which has 2 elevated knolls either end. Cockatoo Creek crosses the property, approx. 130 acres is available for winter planting or convert to improved pasture. Grazing country country is carrying a very large body of feed which is predominantly panic, Rhodes and native pastures pastures.
Water: 1 equipped solar bore approx. 140' deep blew 300 gph. Water is pumped to a 3,000-gallon tank which supplies water to a cattle trough. 3 unequipped bores no history available. 3 stock dams.
Fencing: Majority of the boundary is as new. Internal fencing is old, a central laneway divides the property into 5 paddocks of various sizes.
Yards: Portable panel set of yards fitted with a cattle crush and loading ramp.
Homestead: Home is in a derelict state and not fit for living.
60' x 40' enclosed hay shed
60' x 30' machinery shed
Old piggery shed
Numerous old buildings
Remarks: After 91 years of family ownership, the time has arrived to sell "Greenslopes". A highly regarded property that is renowned for its cattle fattening. Wherever your interest lies "Greenslopes" is a proven performer and is being Sold as it is, now surplus to the seller requirements.
Auction 11am Tuesday 8th April, 429 South Street, Harristown .
If not sold prior.
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Enquire about Lot 212 Quinlow-Peranga Road, Peranga, QLD, 4352