788 Valentine Road, North Eradu, WA, 6532
North Eradu WA 6532
- 4 Bed
- 2 Bath
- 2 Toilet
- 2 Parks
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Strong Sandplain Country in Blue Ribbon Location
Located some 60km from Geraldton town centre in the prosperous North Eradu district "Valentine Park" stands out as an example of sandplain farming success.Managed by the current owners for the past 13 years, the property has benefitted from an intense farm improvement program making the best use of up to date broadacre farming practises. Featuring strong Eradu yellow sandplain soils the property is notable for its well set up long paddocks facillitating long, efficient running of machinery on 12.1 meter tramlines. The soil has all been rotationally deep ripped every 2-3 years for the past 10 years. A Generous liming program has seen 7 tonnes/ha applied to all paddocks since 2012. Fertiliser history is excellent with records available upon request together with five year crop yield information. Approximately 10km of gravel road has been installed through the farm to provide easy road train access. Ample water is available from a scheme connection and solar pump equipped bore. The farm is well fenced into 4 main paddocks. Infrastructure includes an excellent 4 bedroom home with high capacity off grid solar power supply system, main
machinery/workshop shed, GP and fertiliser sheds and silos. Valentine Park currently holds mostly lupin stubble with exemplary weed control ready to farm in 2023.
The property is for sale by Expressions of Interest closing 5.00pmTuesday 28th March 2023 to Elders Level 2/195 Great Eastern Hwy Belmont Attn: Jeff Douglas.
General Features
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2
- Land Area: 1245.7hect (approx)
- Air Conditioning
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 2
Outdoor Features
- Garage Spaces: 1
- Carports: 1
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Elders Real Estate Narrogin
Enquire about 788 Valentine Road, North Eradu, WA, 6532